This quality is very necessary housekeeping staff because If the guest not open the door long time housekeeping staff watch that floor and room no.
housekeeping staff (maid) to take consideration of the minute details. If the guest do not open the door housekeeping persona hove to check what is happning there.
when the time is still premfum, Tt helps in providing better service to the guest.
Co-operation: Coperativeness : Co-operation among the housekeeping staff (personal) and among the other department is a must because it is tramwork. If they fail to prepare departure room or report the lost and found or fail to report about the mini bar .
It they do not support room service depart, it would be impossible to run a quality hotel. So cooperation should be most important in a housekeeping department. In Nepal all Room Attendants, House Maid, Housemen and Housekeeping Supervisor is good about it,
Google Ragerank Explaination
15 years ago
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