Front Office: Co-ordination of Housekeeping with front office is important. After the departures of guest from the hotel room, frong office inrorms the housekeeping department.
Then the housekeeping department cleans and prepares the vacted room for sale. After the cleaning of the room, the housekeeping Floor Supervisor informs the front office and bands over the room to the front office for sale.
Personnel: Housekeeping co-ordination with personnel department is for recruitment of new staff, salary , locket Facilities, Indisciplane, Identity Cards, etc...
Purchase: Housekeeping co-ordinates with purchase department for different iteams required for guest in the room. like , Linen, Detergent etc..
Security: The guest room is the most private palce and a hotel goes to great and security by gambling, smuggling etc.. Housekeeping has to be alert to these going on and seek the security department ' s intervention if necessary.
Google Ragerank Explaination
15 years ago
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