Monday, December 14, 2009

How to clean Upholstered Furnituru and Equipments

Upholstered Furniture's Equipment:

1. Two clean soft duster or Soft dusting brush.
2. Upholstery brush /vacuum cleaner cane beat her.
3. Bowl of warm soapy water
4. Vinegar
5. Salt
6. Ammonia
7. Linen Cloth or Flannelette's Cloth for drying

1. Remove the dust from surface.
2. Wash the surface with warm soapy water,
3. With the addition of ammonia, allowing 1/2 teaspoonful of ammonia ,to one quart of water.
4. Give a final rinsing with cold water, Vinegar and salt.
5. Dry with a soft cloth.
6. Finish drying in the open air, by a wide open.

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